Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mexico parte 2

Here are a few more pictures of my trip to Jalisco, Mexico. A lot of these photos have significance to me, so I will try to explain below each photo. BTW it may look like the weather was fairly nice, but NOOOOO! It was HOT, HUMID, and mosquitos loved me. If I could, I would of walked in a bathing suit all days, but I was not about to give into the mosquitos.

 This gentleman is my uncle, grandfather's brother. My grandpa passed away when I was only 4 months old, this has been the only man I have that connects me to my grandfather. He is truly an interesting person whom I will visit.
 In my mom's town, this river is infamous for being out of control. Since it is tropical weather, it rains a lot. When it pours though, this river grows and has a pretty huge wrath from what I hear.
 Here is an interesting fact about my family. I don't have any relatives buried in Los Angeles. Most of my family is buried in Mexico. A few shots of my great grandparents, aunt, grandfather (my grandma is sitting on his tomb), and some other shots. Cemeteries are very intriguing to me, especially when one side of my family's history resides in this particular cemetery.

 What was my grandfather's house growing up.

My mom's old house and currently trying to restore it and renovate. She mentioned how she used to sneak out of the house through the small window. The things you do for some liberty from your parents. Good thing I have a car!

My uncle, I need a hat like this. I really do. BTW one of the biggest ladies man I have ever met, made me laugh several times. Was his wing woman and I failed.

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