Sunday, December 30, 2012

Family Portrait

I had the opportunity to photograph my cousin and her family. Photographing children can be a task but the outcome is certainly adorable!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Norma and Jeremy

Here are a few shots I took of my friend Norma and her boyfriend. It was awesome to do this at Union Station! Especially  because they were comfortable and excited! I am also glad they were comfortable around me. L.A. certainly has plenty of beautiful locations to photograph.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rainy Day Flowers and Odie

Haven't updated my blog, main reason being fearing people stealing my pictures. Have had several issues. So now there is a giant watermark, something I had wanted to do but felt it would ruin my shots. Oh well I must do it now. Anyway here are a few flower shots and my dog, he got wet but looked adorable!